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Donbass Doku

Donbass: A Story of Resilience in the Face of War

Anne-Laure Bonnel's Unforgettable Journey

In the heart of the Donbass, Irina

In the late winter of 2022-2023, Russian documentary filmmaker Irina embarked on a perilous journey into the heart of the Donbass, a region torn apart by war. Her goal: to capture the stories of those who had endured countless hardships.

Anne-Laure Bonnel: A Mother's Courage

Meanwhile, in France, Anne-Laure Bonnel, a young director and mother, decided to join forces with Alexander, a Ukrainian guide, to accompany refugees fleeing the conflict. Her mission: to bear witness to the human cost of war through the eyes of those who had lost everything.

Together, Irina and Anne-Laure embarked on a journey that would forever alter their lives. Their unflinching reporting has brought the stories of the Donbass to the world, shedding light on the courage, resilience, and heartbreak that define this war-torn region.
